Thursday, December 1, 2011

what if...

Through recent circumstances, the Lord's been teaching me a great deal of perspective and reminding me to see things the way He sees them. What if I knew that I was going to soon meet Jesus face-to-face? What if I knew that my life here on this earth was coming to an end? How would I live differently? With what urgency would I desire to share Jesus with everyone who I meet? How would I change how I spend my time? And what things would suddenly become unimportant or increasingly important?

Well these aren't really "what ifs" because I DO know these things. Although I don't know exactly when I'll get to run into my Savior's loving arms (a day that I long for! :) I know from God's Word that the Lord could come back at any moment and that I'm not promised tomorrow. I live in a terminal body and will someday stand before my King in all of His glory! So it's my prayer that He would impress that upon my heart daily. It's so difficult to live with an eternal perspective. Sometimes I forget how very fleeting this life is in light of eternity... almost as quick as I can type the period at the end of this sentence. Like a vapor that's gone in a second. Yet it determines the rest of our time after this life. So there's no time to waste.

With all that I am, with absolutely EVERYTHING, I want to love my Jesus as if today is my last day.
I want to worship Him the way that He deserves to be worshipped;
to forsake all in order to follow Him;
to spend every moment with Him;
to obey Him in whatever He calls me to;
to love others the way that He does;
to share His good news with urgency and boldness, knowing that so many souls are desperately in need of Him;
and to be persecuted for His name's sake.

He is a God deserving of more than I could ever give Him. And yet, I'm so thankful that I don't have to do anything (and I can't do anything) on my own to earn His grace.

Thank you Lord for your faithfulness to gently remind me of Your perspective!

1 comment:

  1. Man... awesome reminder. " time to waste." That IS His perspective! Thanks Annie! :)
